The executive body acts as governing body. The board members are elected by the trustees and life members every three years during the All India Museum Annual Conference. The executive board consists of President, Secretary, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Executive Members, and Assistant Secretary.
Section 2 |
- Management |
The following shall be the Committees of the MAI;
a. Executive Committee
The entire management of the MAI shall vest in the Executive Committee, which shall be constituted of the following office Bearers:
S.No. |
Particulars of Office Bearers |
Numbers |
Remarks |
1 |
President |
1 |
-- NA -- |
2 |
Vice-Presidents |
6 |
For North, South, East,West, North-East & Central regions |
3 |
Secretary |
1 |
-- NA -- |
4 |
Treasurer |
1 |
-- NA -- |
5 |
Editor |
1 |
-- NA -- |
6 |
Executive Members |
8 |
-- NA -- |
7 |
Assistant Secretaries |
2 |
To be nominated by the Secretary and approved by the Executive Committee to assist the President & Secretary |
i. Quorum & Meeting:
The meetings of the Executive Committee shall not be considered valid without the presence of at least five Executive committee members.
All meetings of the Executive Committee shall be proceeded by a written notice by the Secretary, either by mail or printed; shall state the agendas, place, purpose, day and hour of the meeting and delivered to the Executive Committee members 10 days before the actual date of the Executive Committee meeting.
Between meetings any other urgent matter shall be disposed of by the Secretary by circulation in consultation with the President.
The Executive Committee of MAI shall hold at least four meetings each year. One shall be held at the time and place of the annual meeting of MAI, and the others shall be held on dates and at places to be determined by the Executive Committee.
Gap between two meetings shall not be more than six (6) months.
A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. Only those members of the Executive Committee present in person are able to hear one another may vote on business brought before the Committee.
Minutes of the proceedings of the Executive Committee shall be prepared and signed by the Executive Members in presence, which will be opened to inspection by any Member of the Association.
The Executive Committee of MAI shall remain collectively responsible for all its official decisions, actions and implication thereof.
ii. Duties of Officers:
President: The President will preside over all the meetings of the Association (including Executive Committee meetings) whenever called and will guide its deliberations. He will also guide/advise the Secretary in all the activities of the MAI.
President, in case of the absence of Secretary or any other office bearer, on recommendation of the Secretary, shall nominate any elected member of the Executive Committee, in order of seniority, to act as Secretary or other office bearer during their absence period.
Vice-Presidents: The Vice-Presidents shall be responsible for all activities of the MAI in their respective regions. Further, on recommendation of the Secretary, anyone of the Vice-Presidents, in Order of seniority, will act as President during the absence of President and will also guide/advise the Secretary in all the activities of the MAI.
Secretary: The Secretary will be in charge of the Association’s office. She/ He, in consultation with the Executive Committee, will take the necessary steps in connection with the better functioning of the Association, Annual & Special Meetings, Organization of Seminars, Symposiums, Workshops & Special meet etc., Publications, Annual Reports & their circulation and other related activities. She/ He will maintain the minutes of the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings and the Annual Meetings of the Association. She/ He will also conduct elections necessitated by casual vacancies during the year, by circular issued to the members of the Association, under the guidance of the President.
Assistant Secretaries: The Assistant Secretaries will assist the President and Secretary in their official work and other work of MAI. Upon recommendation of the President, in order of seniority, they will also play the role of Secretary of the Association in his absence.
Treasurer: The Treasurer will be in charge of the fund of the Association. He will equally responsible for fund management and maintenance of the accounts in the proper form in consultation with the Secretary, MAI only. He will also frame annual budget and annual accounts of the Association in consultation with the Secretary and the Executive Committee and present the same in its Annual General Meeting.
Editor: The Editor will be in charge of the publications, including the Journal of India Museums. He will be assisted by the Editorial Board, which shall be, on recommendation of Editor, appointed by the Executive Committee. He will verify the bills of the printer and other related vendors involve for the same, for necessary approval for payment.
iii. Election of office bearers:
The Executive Committee shall be re-constituted through election by General Body of MAI at its annual meeting.
The elections shall be held every three years.
The voting shall be conducted by the adoption of the secret ballot system.
No member of the Executive Committee can hold the same post consecutively for more than two terms.
Upon completion of the term of the Executive Committee, General Body of MAI, in case of larger interest or no valid nomination shall re-call the same Executive Committee for the next tenure for smooth functioning of the Association & its mandates.
Vacancies (due to any reason) in the Executive Committee shall be filled in by cooption.
Every eligible member (having two years standing) present at the Annual General Meeting shall have a single non-transferable vote.
The Members of the Executive Committee shall duly be elected by the Life Members of the Association (having minimum of two years standing) present during the Annual General Meeting.
Patrons, Honorary Members, Associate Members and Student Members, as aforementioned at ‘c-i’ & ‘c-ii-(1),(3),(4)’ of ‘section1’ (except Life Members at ‘c-ii(2)’ of ‘section 1’) shall neither be eligible to contest for election/ hold any office in the Association nor shall have any voting rights.
Institutional Member of the Association reserve the right of one vote each, and representative of the same (duly authorized by the concerned institutions) is entitled to vote at meetings of the Association, but are not eligible for election as Officers or Executive Members-at-Large.
iv. Procedure of election:
The outgoing President shall appeal to senior member to act as the Returning Officer who shall conduct the elections. The Returning Officer shall invite names to be proposed for the office bearers. Upon receipt of the names, same will be written on a board and ballot papers will be circulated. Members present during election shall cast their votes. On return of the ballot papers those will be counted by the Returning Officer with the help of tellers appointed by him. The result will be declared in the same meeting.
The office of the two Asstt. Secretaries shall be filled in by any two life members of MAI nominated by the Secretary of the Association and approved by the Executive Committee.
After the declaration of the result and resolution by the general body meeting the sheets of ballots shall be destroyed by the Returning Officer, but not before seven (7) days.
b. Local/Regional/Sub-Committees
The Executive Committee of the MAI shall be empowered to appoint more than one Local/Regional/Sub-Committee for the proper functioning of MAI activities in different localities and regional of the country.
The Executive Committee shall also be empowered to give subsidies to these Local/Regional/Sub-Committee in accordance with the membership fee received from a specific locality or Region.
These Local/Regional/Sub-Committee shall remain responsible to the Executive Committee of MAI and shall be constituted for the development of a broad-based museum movement throughout the country.
These Local/Regional/Sub-Committee shall represent the MAI in their area and on the board. Each Local/Regional/Sub-Committee may organize and conduct meetings in his or her area as convenient throughout the year.
This Local/Regional/Sub-Committee of the MAI shall submit the accounts of the subsidies and grants received 30 days to the Annual General Meeting for the proper assessment of the total financial picture of the Association.
This Local/Regional/Sub-Committee shall work under the supervision & guidance of concerned Vice-President of that region.