The MAI, with its entire mission, programs and organizational strength shall be devoted to the furtherance of the following aims and objectives;
- To serve as a National Advisory Body for Museums in India.
- To the development of a national policy for museums in India ensuring a steady progress of all the museums in India.
- To support opportunities for sound professional preparation, provide outlets for professional research and publication as well as foster the continued improvement of the museum profession through the development and observance of high standards of ethics.
- To use meetings, reports, papers, discussions, publications, and other media of publicity and communication in promoting its purposes so as to increase and diffuse knowledge of all matters pertaining to museums and encourage cooperation among museums, museum professionals, museum users, and the general public.
- To stimulate research within the museum field, and generally to promote professional and institutional standards of India’s museums.
- To take all necessary measures leading to the popularization of the museums of India and recognition of their role as centers of cultural and educational activity.
- To ensure the rapid dissemination of technical knowledge related to collection, preservation and display of all kinds of museum objects.
- To organize regular national and regional seminars, symposiums, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, study tour of museums.
- To issue publications appropriate for furtherance of the cause of museums both at national and regional levels.
- To publish a Journal to serve as a forum for the study of Museums and its related areas with the continuing nomenclature as ‘Journal of Indian Museums’.
- To provide facilities for exchanging ideas and developing the spirit of co-operation in museums.
- To provide help in the exchange of exhibits from various museums in order to promote better inter-state understanding.
- To co-operate with the Museums Associations in other countries and ICOM by offering them information, advice and help.
- To maintain a central library of books and journals bearing subjects especially on Museum, its study and practices.
- To make arrangements for the training of museum’s personnel in order to achieve a high standard of efficiency.
- To the maintenance of a closer contact between centers of Academic teaching of Museology, Conservation of objects and other related subjects in Indian Universities, Central Advisory Board of museums (others, if any) and the working personnel and their organizations throughout India and abroad.
- To render technical assistance and professional advice to museums, in need.
- To devise proper measures for the protection of valuable museum objects, national monuments, natural landmarks, scientific and technological objects having museum value for the education and enjoyment of the people.
- To the recognition of all centers of visual education, like traditional museums of art, and archaeology, museums of science and technology, zoos and aquariums, botanical gardens and planetariums as museums or museum like institutions directly connected with the advancement of the knowledge and cultural attainments of the India masses.
- To undertake pilot projects in relation to the preservation and conservation of historical and cultural property, preservation of historic/heritage buildings and to setup & maintain museums, libraries and information services to facilitate the study and development of art and cultural heritage.
- To act as a pressure group by arousing public opinion when any part of the art or cultural heritage is threatened with imminent danger of damage or destruction, arising out of private or public policy or in any other manner.
- To develop an online platform for discussion of sensitive issues of museums and related fields. E.g. telegram etc.
- To make all possible efforts to make all the heads of museums to attend the annual conference of MAI.
- To the promotion of a proper and standard scale of pay and status on a national basis, of museums personnel working throughout the Indian republic.
- To develop a focused and dynamic website with essential features.
- To acquire, hold or dispose of property for furthering the objective stated above.
- To raise fund through ambassador programme for research and development projects of museums and related fields.