Membership of the MAI, subject to the approval of the General Body of MAI through EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, shall be open only to those individuals or entities who fulfill all requirements and criteria, which are mentioned here in after in relevant sections namely ‘a’ & ‘b’ of ‘section 1’ and willing to pay a prescribed fee (as mentioned at ‘d-vi’ of ‘section1’).
The Executive Committee of MAI may from time to time create, eliminate, and modify categories of membership, but shall not eliminate voting rights of any category of membership without approval of General Body of MAI.
a. Eligibility for membership
Individuals/entities who establish educational & working credentials/contributions in the museum(s) or institution(s) having like objectives and persons like educationists, scholars & students other-wise interested in furthering museum objectives in the collection and study of artistic, archaeological, cultural and scientific objects, not below eighteen years of age, ready to pay the prescribed fees, and meet the required criteria for membership established as hereinafter set forth or by the General Body of MAI from time to time, shall be eligible to become members of the MAI, provided they are not dealers of art objects and antiquities.
b. Admission to membership
Individuals and entities, qualified and eligible for membership under section ‘a’, may be admitted upon the original submission of:
- An application, in a form as prescribed by the Executive Committee of MAI.
- A copy of Bio-data with testimonials.
- Each such application shall be certified by the applicant as being true and correct.
- Each such application should be introduced by an existing member (having voting rights).
- The prescribed Fee/dues as the Executive Committee may fix from time to time.
c. Categories of membership
There shall be different categories of members and they shall be admitted to the Association in the manner stated herein:
- Patron: On recommendations of the Executive Committee, the members present at any Annual General Meeting shall, on simple majority, elect the patrons. The choice shall be made by the Executive Committee on basis of service to museums or the museum movement given by people prominent on the national level.
The patrons shall hold the position for three (3) years or till they vacate on their own by writing to the Secretary, MAI. The patrons shall not be more than THREE at a time and they shall not be repeated for consecutive term.
- Individual member: Individual Membership shall be open to museum personnel, non-profit organization personnel, students, retired museum personnel, independent professionals from the field, museum trustees, and such other categories of Individual Membership as the Executive Committee may deemed fit from time to time for the benefit of MAI. There shall be following four types of individual memberships of MAI:
- Honorary member:
Honorary Membership may be granted to individuals and institutions at the Annual General Meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. There commendation shall be made on the basis of outstanding service by that individual to the cause of museum development or of the Association.
The Honorary members shall hold the position for three (3) years or till they vacate on their own by writing to the Secretary, MAI. The honorary members shall not be more than THREE at a time and they shall not be repeated for consecutive term.
Intending member, fulfilling all requirements/criteria as afore mentioned at ‘a’ & ‘b’ of ‘section 1’ and willing to pay a prescribed fee (as mentioned at ‘d-vi’ of ‘section1’), on application, may be admitted as life member.
Intending member, fulfilling all requirements/criteria as aforementioned at ‘a’ && ‘b’ of ‘section1’ and willing to pay the annual subscription (as mentioned at ‘d-vi’ of ‘section1’), on application, may be admitted as associate member.
Student, fulfilling all requirements/ criteria as afore mentioned at ‘a’ & ‘b’ of ‘section 1’ and willing to pay 50% of the annual subscription fixed for associate member (as mentioned at ‘d-vi’ of ‘section 1’), on application, may be admitted as student member.
- Institutional member:
Museum, Museology Department/ University, libraries, government agencies and non-profit organizations that operate museums who or which support the stated purposes, objectives & activities of the association, pay the prescribed annual subscriptions (as mentioned at ‘d-vi’ of ‘section1’), and meet the required criteria for membership as aforementioned at ‘a’ & ‘b’ of ‘section 1’ or by the General Committee of MAI from time to time, on application, may be admitted as institutional member. The institutional members of MAI must be the accredited representatives of their institutions, duly affirmed by the respective institution from time-to-time.
- Donor:
Individuals/entities who contribute donation to the MAI of Rs.25,000/- & above annually or as resolved upon by the MAI in its annual meeting shall be called donor.