The MAI shall hold at least one annual general meeting each year, the date and place of which shall be fixed by the Executive Committee;
All Members in good standing present at such meeting may vote on matters brought before that meeting. Agendas shall be passed through voting of 50% plus one by present members. Any additional matter to be considered at the meeting shall have to be circulated before the meeting.
Fixed agendas, for annual general meeting of the MAI, shall be as here under;
Approval of resolutions of previous meetings (annual and executive meeting);
Approval of Membership to fresh applicants;
Annual Budget allocation;
Approval of Audit Reports;
Fixation of fees of Auditor;
Approval of Annual Calendar of events;
Any other agendas as proposed by the Executive Committee and members in presence.
Special meetings of MAI may be called by the Executive Committee on at least thirty days' notice;
No business may be transacted at a special meeting which is not specified in the call for the meeting. Agendas shall be passed through 2/3 voting by present members.
Meetings of MAI, regular and special, shall require a prior written notice by the Secretary, either by mail or printed; shall state the agendas, place, purpose, day and hour of the meeting and delivered/distributed to all its Membership 30 days prior to schedule date of meeting.
At meetings of MAI, 33% of total Members of the Association or Members represented in person in good standing shall constitute a quorum.
All the members of MAI may submit their research papers for presentation in the Meeting, which should reach the Secretary 15 days before the time of the Association, which after acceptance will ordinarily be published in the Journal of the Association i.e. ; ‘Journal of India Museums’.
Any other meeting of MAI may be convened by the Secretary in the same way as the Annual General Meeting, or on written demand by a minimum of 1/3 of the total number of paid-up members.